make car exhaust quieter
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Noisy car exhaust is really the most annoying thing when you’re driving and suddenly t loud exhaust ripping down the street and even noisy exhaust is illegal in some places. While driving we want to have a good and safe drive but noisy exhaust takes away the fun of driving.

If you have a noisy exhaust then it should not be a problem to make it quiet. It happens to me several times that my car exhaust goes loud and makes annoying noise and everyone in the traffic was staring at me and not only this it felt that something will be breaking in your car.

There are cheap methods to implement and as well there are some permanent methods and also you can execute and some of them need professionals to fix the noisy car exhaust.

When we are talking about the noisy exhaust then there are a lot of solutions which can work for you and they have also worked well for me without losing the performance you can make a car exhaust quieter.

Following some of the methods, you can make your car exhaust quitter from inside and outside without losing performance. Let’s understand some of the ways to make your car exhaust quiet.

Causes for Loud Car Exhaust

The reason why your car exhaust is louder than others is the car exhaust itself. That is your car could be sounding off because your car is either too old or too powerful.

The sports car which we see on the TV are loud and makes a loud annoying noise but besides this point, the reason they are loud is that they are more powerful than the other cars which makes them loud.

The more powerful a car is the more noise it will produce. However, some of the old cars have a loud exhaust which is due to rust and you hear the pipes jangling against the bottom of the car as they are loose of course these cars also have other things lost inside them. Although you can eliminate the noise by placing some of the sound-deadening materials.

If you’re the owner of a supercar and truck then luckily there are similar solutions to make car exhaust quieter. Let’s discuss some of the ways to make a car exhaust quieter.

How To Make Car Exhaust Quitter

Let’s discuss some of the ways to make car exhaust quitter one by one I will be sharing the ways.

1. Find The Leaks

The primary thing you need to do is find out the leaks which produce unpleasant sounds. All you need to do is find a firm surface and level to a height that will allow you to work safely beneath the car.

Search for concrete or blacktop. Don’t risk your health with grass surface or something unsteady which will put your health at risk. Let your vehicle cool down. Exhaust pipes take several hours to cool down before being able to work on them.

Since it has reached a level of high temperature so it might take a while to cool down. Jack it up and it will be ready to inspect the leaks. Inspect the area and find the leaking spots. Search for weak spots rust, holes, and cracks.

If your vehicle is the lower one then the damage might come from bumping into the holes. If you still can’t find the leaks then turn your vehicle. You will need a friend who can look for the car exhaust smoke while the car is running.

When you finally find the leaking spots then you directly need to fix it with the approaches depending on the size of the hole and cracks and if you cannot fix it by yourself then you need a hand professional.

2. Fix The Leaks

The first thing about fixing leaks is to understand that there are some leaks that are easily fixed and some needs professional to fix. There are small leaks and larger leaks.

Small Leaks

If you find that there is not much rust and the leaks are small then luckily they are easy to fix. This kind of leak can be easily fixed with exhaust tape.

This is quite easy to stop the annoying noise of the car exhaust and make the car exhaust quitter effectively.

Large Leaks

When it comes to larger leaks they will cause unbearable noise. you will find them directly and fixing them might take a bit more time. You can use a patch combined with epoxy in order to seal the leaks.

The first thing is you need to figure out big the patch must be. You can buy these patch kits at any auto parts store. As an alternative solution, you can use an aluminum can which is one of the cheapest ways.

Once you find your sealing material, you need to scrub and clean the booth, exhaust pipe, and sealing material. If you’re going with aluminum and once you’re done with cleaning measure the size you need to seal.

Cut the aluminum so that there are at least several inches more than a hole actually in order to cover it fully. After you’re done with cutting and cleaning your material is ready to attach together.

Apply the epoxy on both sealing material and exhaust in order to stick it even harder. Press the sealing material to the leaking hole and make sure you fix it without any leaks.

Put more epoxy in order to seal it even better. Use epoxy over the whole patch. You’re almost done with making car exhaust quiet. Now all you need to do is make sure the patch is secure and steady.

If you don’t secure it the patch will simply feel off during a ride so it’s a better option to stiff them with hose clamps. After following this step I have made the car exhaust quieter.

3. Replace Muffler With Quiet Muffler

After doing these steps if you still feel that the car exhaust is making noise then you need to replace the existing one with the new muffler which is quieter.

You need to pay close attention to this one and not all models will fit your car. The best option is to go to the local store of auto parts near you and ask for help. You need to get the specific year and the model of your car in order to get the fit muffler.

However, after finding the muffler which is fitted for your car than you need to replace it with the older one. Most of the time the muffler is covered in rust.

Use W-40 to loosen the bolts. You need several applications before removing the muffler. In case there are muffler clamps then you can use a wrench to loosen it up.

Once you did then slide the muffler and the exhaust apart. After removing it use a rust penetrant to secure and clean the area around the exhaust.

After a few minutes, you will be able to pull the muffler forward so that you can slip these two parts. Once you remove the old one then you will be able to place the new quiet muffler in its position.

Apply exhaust sealant to make sure there are no leaks. This whole procedure may sound confusing but it isn’t. you need to follow these simple steps to make your car exhaust quitter without losing performance.

4. Make Car Quitter From Inside

There is one solution that can work out for you. If your car is naturally loud and the exhaust can be quiet only when you buy a new car then here is the best solution for you.

But this solution can only help you and not the other people in the traffic. But let’s discuss this solution it is soundproofing your car from the inside so that you can’t hear the annoying car exhaust noise.

For this, you need to combine a sound deadener with a noise blocker. For the sound deadener, I would simply recommend Kilmat as it is simply the best sound deadener out there.

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  • Effectively handles and reduces rattle noise..

  • It has special indicator to installed it correctly. The special embossing on the foil must be rolled out with a roller.

Sound deadening mats are quite thick heavy sheets that you place on the surface which are more vulnerable parts of the car to reduce 70% of the noise.

The sound deadener will only stop the noise from your exhaust vibrating the metal parts of the car. it won’t block the noise coming from the floor.

For that, you need a second skin sound deadener that will soundproof a floor and block out the noise coming from the floor. Here are the steps to place the sound deadener on the floor.

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  • Take out the things from the floor and clean them thoroughly with rubbing alcohol.
  • Wear the clothes you don’t care about and start working.
  • Measure the area of the floor and mark it on the sound deadening material and cut the material.
  • Make sure you pay close attention while measuring because the wrong measurements might lead to wasting material.
  • Place the sound deadening material on the floor as it is adhesive so you don’t need glue to paste it just peel it off and place it on the floor.
  • Use a roller to take out the bubbles from the floor and roll them out thoroughly and put back everything in its place.

There you go Now you have successfully installed sound deadening mats on the floor.

5. Get A Silencer

One more thing that can help you to make your car exhaust quitter is the muffler silencer. This will basically narrow the hole through which the noise is passing making it a bit quieter. On the other hand, they are also easy to install you need to just slip them into the exhaust pipe.

However, you can find the silencer on amazon which is suited to your car model, and just slip it into the exhaust pipe and make your car exhaust quieter than before and the loud noise will be eliminated without losing performance.

The silencer will make it a bit quieter and you will notice the difference once you installed it as it will make the loud noise eliminate and this is one of the easiest ways to make the exhaust quieter. The installation process is also easy you don’t need a professional to install it.

Final Thoughts On How To Make Car Exhaust Quieter

There are other things which you can do to keep the noise at bay. For example, you can soundproof the car floor, cabin, trunk, and roof for blocking the car exhaust noise.

This article on sound deadening car doors will help you to soundproof car doors also you can check out the guide on soundproof car trunks. If you want to complete your cabin down to the bare metal you will be able to get all the hard-to-reach places with soundproof spray.

Everything that I discussed above is the best solution to stop the annoying car exhaust noise and make the car exhaust quitter which helps in enjoying the drive.

Some of the solutions are replacing the existing things with the quieter ones and other are soundproofing the car from the inside. In both the solutions you will be able to cut down the noise effectively.

I hope I have shed light on all the ways to make the car exhaust quitter and have a safe drive without having to listen to that loud noise which is annoying and also takes away the fun of a long drive.

If you want to effectively block out noise then you can use a double layer of sound deadening material on the floor and use sound deadening materials on the doors for effective noise blocking inside the car.

If you liked this let us know we would love to hear from you. And if you have any questions for us drop them in the comment box below. Check out our blog on how to reduce wind noise in a car.

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